Saturday, April 17, 2010

Weekends feel good in Perth

I haven't been so happy for the weekend to be here since I was in like year 11, ha! It was a long draining week here in Perth. Since Monday I had learned of two more deaths back home. I was more in shock that in three days I can get three different pieces of crap from back home. At the beginning of the week I felt attacked emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I just wanted to be at home with my friends and family. And a couple of times really asking God, 'Should I be here? Should I leave? Why am I here?' I should have known better, because of course, like He always does, He shows up in the midst of it all, even when you are refusing it and/or not wanting it.

Thursday night, after another long, draining day, like every Thursday night the whole base went to the suburb of Marabooka. Marabooka is a slum type suburb, where a lot of refugees live, and isn't the best area in Perth. Here is a pic of a BEAUTIFUL Marabooka baby's bottom :)

During what I call 'popcorn prayer', I felt the Lord place Isaiah 51 on my heart. I was super confused and taken off guard, I just kept seeing Isaiah 51 over and over in my head. I had never read the chapter in my life, and it had no meaning to me! I asked around the bus for a bible, since I didn't bring mine (mine is the size of America, I swear. I need a little purse size one) and borrowed a friend's. I opened up to Isaiah 51. And sure enough there in verses 1-8, were all the hopes, prayers, and words the Lord wants all of the people of Marabooka to know and rely on! I couldn't believe it. The Lord had just spoke my first direct bible verse to me. I read it out loud to the bus, and with tears I was in awe of how intense and present He is. It was an amazing feeling, that I hope and pray the Lord blesses with me again.

But like I said boy do weekends feel good here in Perth. It's been a relaxing Saturday. I went to an airplane show down in the city on the beach, and made brunch with fellow YWAMers. Now off to and chips. Yes, I eat fish now. :) Miss you all. xo

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