Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Intercession & Worship
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I've been wiped out, cleaned, purified, forgiven, and made empty. Empty is usually not a pleasant way to describe yourself, or your heart.
emp.ty-[emp-tee] , adjective, noun, plural,
1. Containing nothing; having none of the usual or appropreite contents: an empty bottle
2. Vacant; unoccupied: An empty house
3. Without cargo or load: An empty wagon
This past week our lecture topic was repentance and forgiveness. It was an intense week, defiantly emotionally draining, and eye opening. During notes we were given a list of all the different sins set in different categories- the list seemed endless. Anything from disrespecting your parents, anger/rage, drug/alcohol abuse, horoscopes, selfishness, pornography, like I said the list is endless. After being given this list we were asked to make a list ourselves of all the sin that we have committed on the list, to repent for, vocally, to the class but most of all to God. We were also asked to make a list if people that had ever hurt you in your life and simply say I forgive _____ for ____. At first I was very annoyed by the idea, Why does my past need to be brought en up? Is this really necessary? But little did I know, my past was still my present. As I sat down the night before we were to share with the class, I began my 'pen vomit', everything was spilled on to this piece of paper, which turned into pieces of paper. My repentance and forgiveness list is what seemed to be endless. I questioned throughout the day and night if I was really going to get up and share. The last one to go, I got up there, bawled my eyes out, repented, and forgave. After, burned all the papers.
And Let It Go.
A part of me was scared to let go of all the papers because it was apart of me for so long, it's what I knew, and even if it was baggage I was willing to hold onto it because it was mine. It's not mine anymore, it's the Lord's. It's been a couple days since our repentance and forgiveness day, and like I said I feel empty. A good kind of empty. I am forgiven for all my sins, and I've forgiven. It's an amazing feeling, and I know God is ready to FILL me up with His love, compassion, heart, likes, feelings, and I'm so excited. I wish all of you at home could have been here with me during this last week! I encourage you all to sit down and make your own list of past sins that you've never repented for, and people that you need to forgive. Say them out loud, repent, and forgive. And burn. You'll feel the emptiness, but that good kind of emptiness. Miss you all xoxo
'When Christ came in, that feeling He gives you the gift of understanding life. Which is everything is created for Christ and by Him and we are created to be with Him. It's the most incredible feeling because you are where you belong and contentment is given to you in life because you don't have to look anywhere else, and you're exactly where you need to be, and the question about life is answered.'