Tuesday, May 25, 2010

He's so faithful

Ohhh it's a fact :) Haha! I'll make that quite clear first-HE IS SO FAITHFUL!! & loves to bless us!

The last couple of weeks have been pretty intense. Intense in a good way though. Every week we learn something new in lectures, and it's already week 8! 1- I can't believe it's already week 8! and 2- I can't believe God is still revealing Himself in so many new ways not only in lectures but just through out the day

These last couple of weeks I have really given the Lord complete control of everything. I realized that I was holding onto a lot things, thinking I was in control. Noooope! Guess I'm not, and I'm so okay with that now. It's good to have such a big God that will take on all your worries, past, issues, and the 'impossibilities'. It kind of makes you take a step back and think.

Currently, my team of 9 and I are trusting and giving control to the Lord for our finances we need to see come in by the 9th of June, for our out reach to Europe! Each of us needs $5,500. It's a lot of money, yeah. But I've never felt so confident, and faithful. I am actually excited to see what's going to happen with the fiances! I believe it's going to be an amazing testimony that I will have to stand on to tell friends and family back home. I've already seen great things having to do with my fiances personally. It's great.

Europe is so soon. About a month. I have no clue what to expect, just like coming here. No clue. But I'm excited to see what God is going to do to me, and the nation while we are there. Please be praying for my team and I, Europe, and our fiances!! Missing you ALL at home heaps!! Love and blessings xx

If you feel led to help support me financially please:

go to www.ywamperth.org.au click on “donate/pay” and follow the instructions on the page. Just click on outreach fees and make sure to note it is for my outreach fees.

Thank you heaps!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

What do you see when you think of God?

A piece of blank white paper, nothing came to mind. Well I shouldn't say nothing came to mind, I thought of Jesus, long dready dark hair, white robe, beard, standing with a staff haha, that was my first thought. 1- I couldn't draw that, a talent I wish I had but I don't (awesome drawing skills) 2- I felt like it should be more personal than just drawing a man standing there. I sat with my blank piece of paper, slightly annoyed, because the activity reminded me of something that would be done in treatment.
Treatment=Blank piece of paper 'Draw your feelings guys! Don't hold back!' and everyone draws black and red holes of how terrible their lives have been. Ha, maybe it was just me but it's how I felt when asked to do this activity, but with totally different subjects and motives, Praise Jesus.

I finally grabbed the pink, orange, and yellow colored pencils. And drew God as I saw fit. My outcome was a sunset of pink, orange, and yellow. Heaven. When we were asked to define our drawing I just said, well when I think of God I think of these colors, and as weird as it sounds I feel these colors as well.

'Why do you think of these colors?'

I sat and remembered my first encounter with heaven, and God for that matter. Taylor. When my good friend Taylor died, her favorite color was pink so every time I saw a pink sunset or sky I thought of her and that was her in heaven. Doing this project things got broughten up, feelings that I hadn't felt in a long time came about, and I cried for the first time in a while about Taylor. I cry heaps because I am an emotional person of course! But I usually don't cry about her anymore. It felt good.

God is currently working on this area in my life, it hurts, but is good. It's crazy how He will bring up things from the past, both hurtful and joyful, to work through something that is currently happening in your life, if that makes sense?

This past week was one of my harder weeks, but again God is working on me. It hurts, He's stretching, and molding so it's expected to hurt, right? The cool thing is God doesn't stop, He doesn't stop stretching and molding. As much as it does hurt and suck sometimes, it's always worth it. Miss you all at home, blessings xoxo

Sunday, May 9, 2010

To be in Roch..

To be in Roch right now would be awesome right now. I'm missing my friends and family terrrrribly. Especially my mum on this great day called Mother's Day! Today was just one of those rough days. I miss home, and would love to be there right now. Good thing I'm getting a double wammie talking with my wonderful mother, and my wonderful friend, Tori Utley. I am very thankful that Tori is a computer junkie (sorry Tor) because she seems to be on quite often, and always raises me up, or reminds me of what is waiting for me at home! I love it.

But there are just somedays where I would love to be laying in bed with my cat, picking my mum up for her lunch break, sitting at my good friend's the Ewing's on the kitchen floor reminissing with my dear friends, or just sitting in my car windows down heading to the unknown. Stop feeling sorry for yourself Josie, that's what I usually try telling myself, this is a great experience and God is doing amazing things, He already has.

I sit in awe and amazement at what He has already done in my life so far here in Perth. And it's a crazy, semi scary, exciting feeling to think of what else He's doing to do in the next few months. That's what I need to keep reminding myself when I have crap days like today. It's also great to know that I have people back home praying for me :) and just knowing that they are back home, and when I go home, whenever that might be-they will be there. Missing you all, Love xo

P.S.-Could of shout outs that are on my heart, because they mean so much to me!

Mum: Happy Mother's Day mum, I miss you so much. You mean the world to me, I don't know what I would do without you. My cup runneth over, always... xo

Tori Lynn Utley-What the heck would I do without you?

My Boys- You know who you are, wow can you imagine what kind of trouble we would be getting into this summer? GET IT OUTTA HERE! Praying that WIT blows places out of the water, remember to sing it out...sing it out loud.

My family-Missing you all so much, family is foreverrr. Something that I have realized 10x while here in Perth. Thank you all for your support.

Everyone that I looove back in MN- Blessings and love to you all. XO

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Carrot, spinach, banana, and OJ smoothie

Just delighted myself in a delish smoothie! So so good

Back to another week of lectures-this week's topic=Spiritual Warfare. More about that later this week, it's only Tuesday! The weekend was nice :) Saturday a group of people went into the city and shopped in the outlet centre, where I found a few great deals- always my thing! It was a pretty chill Saturday. Sunday a big group of us went out to City Beach for a buddy's birthday. The weather was amaze, and the ocean was even more amazing! Aqua and teal water...can't beat it. The waves were quite rough though, I still feel sore from getting bashed around, all in all it was a beautiful day :) And not to mention, I actually got some color!

But like I said it's a Tuesday afternoon, just got home from a time of prayer. It's not too exciting of a day, kinda been an off day but they are expected here and there. About to head to work duties soon, decorating birthday tables is what I seem to do best :) Tonight=coffee shop time for some fellowship, always nice and relaxing. Just wanted to do a quick little update on the weekend is all-Miss you everyone xoxo